Online college degree in healthcare management

Our adaptable online program empowers you to earn a college degree, paving the way to either kickstart or elevate your career in healthcare management. Focus on building the compassion and skills to lead in this dynamic industry that continues to expand. Gain the fundamental competencies to succeed in diverse healthcare settings with a curriculum that addresses current principles, 法律, 和实践.

学分 120
每学分成本 $490

Start at the beginning of an 8-week session during the fall, spring, or summer.


学生 are eligible to transfer up to 84 credits upon review.

问题? 我们是来帮忙的

Our team is available to help you as you consider the next step in your education.


Our team is standing by to assist you with additional program details, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


The 医疗保健 管理 concentration provides a comprehensive education to ensure you can enter the job market as a competent and confident applicant. In the ever-changing world of healthcare, our curriculum is designed to keep you at the forefront, emphasizing the latest strategies 和实践 while also preparing you for emerging trends in healthcare administration.

Core healthcare management courses:

  • 管理 Principles in 医疗保健
  • Financial Issues in 医疗保健
  • 医疗伦理
  • 医疗保健计划 & 评价

This program is also offered as a Certificate and a Minor. 请参阅 课程目录 for full descriptions and courses/credits.

  • 8周在线课程
    • Take at a time that works for you
  • Select courses will be taken online in real-time via Zoom on a scheduled night of the week with the professor and other students
  • Online access to academic advisors, faculty, and other learning resources
  • Acceptances into the program occur throughout the year
  • Multiple start dates in the fall, spring, and summer
  • Transfer up to 84 credits under the program director's approval